There are two types of Sheet Karate.
1) Your alone in bed and you can't quite get comfortable enough to sleep. You constantly reposition from the back to the side to the stomach; legs and arms flailing as if trying to tread water amidst the sheets. If someone were watching from a "fly-on-the-wall" position, they'd think you were practicing a Mr. Miagi inspired Kata.
2) While in bed with your favorite lady-friend, you constantly find yourself waking up cold and half exposed. It's two A.M and you've got to be up in three and a half hours. The sheet tug-of-war that ensues is the Sheet Karate Dual that is of interest.
The how-to-win for the later, Sheet Karate Dual depends on the answer to one basic question: 'Do I want to get some action in the morning?' The strategy, from a man's perspective, is vastly different dependent upon whether the answer is Yes or No.
If the answer is No, then you will most likely subconsciously-half-asleep jerk the covers from her as if you were trying to set a hook on a flounder. She will wake, jerk back, the two of you will exchange butt-to-butt sighs and go back to sleep. At this point, rest assured that the battle is a tie but realize that this is not soccer and so the bout is just in between awake rounds. Eventually, maybe forty minutes later, you wake from your Bikini-Ring-Girl dream, cold and blanketless. At this point, you have a couple of options - a) repeat the previous hook-setting blanket jerk, waking her up even more pissed and returning to a quasi butt-to-butt slumber or b) forgo to her either the sheet or the comforter and wrap up tight and alone in the other. After all, your not looking forward to her morning anyway. Sleep now with your dreams with another (either past or future or Only); half-warm in the solitary blanket of your choosing; waking, half-rested and contented but without enthusiasm.
If the answer is yes, then the solution is simple. Forgo not neither of the blankets, but a piece of your bed-position. Spoon-cuddle and sleep-flirt. When it is time, she will wake smiling and thirsty. Simply follow the smile-instincts with which the early morning blesses.
Single and usually in-between the aforementioned no and yes, I am by no means an expert on sleeping, either with or without woman. If you constantly toil in a solo Sheet Karate as mentioned earlier, endeavor to dual, I suggest to find someone to sleep with. Wheather at bars, or coffee shops, or at postachio parlours with the nearest Publix, talk mad shit to the woman you think that are just a hair out of your league. Trust me, they are not. At the very least your will be moving towards a we and away from the dreaded by-yourself I. For even sleeping, and eating for that matter, with one from whom you are partially detached is far better than that lonely opposing option. There are so many woman (or men for the woman out there) that are nightly available while they wash thier single finished-with dishes - one fork, one plate. No matter how small or big or at-first-glance grotesque, they are out there and we should be too; we, the single, un-understood-for-now and competing Main-ful Lions; this is a dual that we can win, but only if we get off of that uncomfortable TV-infested couach and dare to begin. As for woman....what a great dilemma that I hope to forever absolve to understand, but deep-down wish never fully know.
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